═══ 1. Welcome to File Hound ═══ Welcome to File Hound! This guide will introduce you to the features of File Hound and get you started efficiently finding your documents! The guide is divided into the following sections:  View the License Agreement  Features  Installation  Known Problems and Limitations  Troubleshooting  Contact the Author  Intellectual Property Notices  File Hound Reference ═══ 1.1. License Agreement ═══ File Hound Beta 0.2 License Agreement GRANT OF LICENSE Aaron R. Gaalswyk (the AUTHOR) grants you a non-exclusive, non-transferable license to the SOFTWARE (hereinafter defined), free of charge, provided that you adhere to the terms of this license agreement. The SOFTWARE is licensed, not sold. The AUTHOR does not transfer title to the SOFTWARE to you. No rights are granted to you other than those listed in this license agreement. By installing or USING (hereinafter defined) the SOFTWARE, you signify your agreement to the terms of this license agreement. 1. DEFINITIONS As used herein, the following definitions shall apply: a. "SOFTWARE" shall mean the File Hound 0.2 object code and any accompanying files and documentation, including any files generated by the USE of the object code. b. "USE" shall mean the reading into and out of memory of the SOFTWARE and the execution of the SOFTWARE, in whole or in part. 2. LICENSE You may: a. USE the SOFTWARE on one or more machines at the same time. b. USE the SOFTWARE on a network, provided that each person who USES the SOFTWARE complies with the terms of this license agreement. c. Make copies of the SOFTWARE or portions thereof for backup purposes. d. Make copies of the original distribution archive or repackage the files contained in the original distribution archive and redistribute those copies to any other party provided that 1. All files contained in the original distribution archive are redistributed intact and unaltered. 2. Any party which receives the copied or repackaged distribution archive complies with the terms of this license agreement, signified by installing or using the SOFTWARE. You may NOT: a. Lease, rent, sublicense, or assign the SOFTWARE, or otherwise transfer any rights to the SOFTWARE. b. Remove any notices or labels from the SOFTWARE. c. Reverse engineer, reverse compile, disassemble, translate, modify, create derivative works, or otherwise alter the SOFTWARE. d. Copy or redistribute the SOFTWARE other than as listed above. 3. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY a. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ON AN 'AS IS' BASIS. NO WARRANTY IS GRANTED TO YOU BY THE AUTHOR, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING NO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE SOFTWARE IS NOT INTENDED FOR USE IN ANY ENVIRONMENT WHICH REQUIRES FAIL-SAFE OPERATION. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES, SO THE LIMITATIONS AND DISCLAMERS MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. b. THE AUTHOR DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE FROM CLAIMS BY ANY THIRD PARTY OF PATENT, TRADEMARK, COPYRIGHT, TRADE SECRET, OR ANY OTHER INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INFRINGEMENT. c. THE AUTHOR IS NOT OBLIGATED TO PROVIDE UPDATES, FIXES, OR ENHANCEMENTS TO THE SOFTWARE. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES DOES THIS LICENSE ENTITLE YOU TO ANY UPDATES, FIXES, OR ENHANCEMENTS TO THE SOFTWARE. d. THE AUTHOR SHALL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES OR LOSS OF PROFITS OR SAVINGS RESULTING FROM INSTALLATION OR USE OF THE SOFTWARE, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DAMAGES TO HARDWARE AND LOSS OR DAMAGE TO RECORDS OR DATA, EVEN IF THE AUTHOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY THEREOF. THE AUTHOR SHALL NOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES CLAIMED AGAINST YOU BY A THIRD PARTY. 4. TITLE The SOFTWARE is owned by the AUTHOR, and is protected under United States copyright laws and applicable treaties. The AUTHOR reserves all rights to prosecute violation of this license in accordance with applicable law. 5. EXPIRATION OF LICENSE License to the SOFTWARE expires on September 30, 1997. After this date, your license to the SOFTWARE is terminated. 6. TERMINATION a. You may terminate this license at your discretion, at any time. b. This license is automatically terminated if you fail to comply with the terms of this license agreement. c. Upon termination of license, you may no longer USE the SOFTWARE. You must destroy all copies of the SOFTWARE in your possession and on machines where you have administrative access. ═══ 1.2. Features ═══ What does File Hound do for you?  Search documents for words, exact strings, patterns, or proximity between words.  Restrict searches to groups of documents.  File filters display popular document types.  Launch user-defined applications on found documents.  Save search results.  Drag and drop with Desktop.  Maintain multiple indexes.  Customize indexing rules, stop words, and excluded documents.  Automatic periodic indexing and re-indexing.  Multithreaded indexing and searching.  ZIP file support.  Transparent access to remote server objects across a network.  Remote administration of server objects.  Restrict access using password authentication for multiple access levels.  Future toolkit support for building your own client tools, file filters, and file store facilities. ═══ 1.3. Installation ═══ Installing File Hound Hardware and software requirements:  OS/2 3.0 or 4.0 or higher  486 processor or higher  8 MB RAM (12 recommended)  VGA display (SVGA recommended)  7 MB hard disk space for installation  3 MB additional hard disk space for index minimal  For remote access, a network supporting DSOM To install the software, unzip the contents of the distribution file and execute the INSTALL.EXE program. The installation program will guide you through the installation steps. The installation package includes support for SOM 2.1.4, which will update the SOM support on your machine to the latest level. If you are already running SOM 2.1.4, and you do not require remote network access, you do not need to install this component. File Hound has not been tested with SOM 3.0, which is presently available for download from IBM. If you wish to run File Hound on SOM 3.0, please contact the author. If there is sufficient demand, a SOM 3.0-friendly release may be provided. Installation of the SOM update makes the following additions to your CONFIG.SYS:  LIBPATH=%INSTALLDIR%\LIB  SET PATH=%INSTALLDIR%\BIN  SET DPATH=%INSTALLDIR%\MSG  SET SOMDMESSAGELOG=%INSTALLDIR%\SOMD.LOG  SET SOMIR=%INSTALLDIR%\ETC\SOM.IR  SET SOMRUNTIME=%INSTALLDIR%  SET SOMBASE=%INSTALLDIR%  REM SET SOMSOCKETS=TCPIPSockets  SET SOMDTIMEOUT=90 Before you can use File Hound in "remote" mode, to access servers across the network, you must first un-REM the SOMSOCKETS statement in the CONFIG.SYS. Be sure that Workgroup DSOM is properly configured before doing so, or else the program will not behave correctly. Note: If your machine is already configured for workgroup DSOM, additional changes may be necessary. Please consult your system administrator for assistance. DSOM also requires two additional manual changes to your CONFIG.SYS : SET HOSTNAME The name of the machine as known by other computers on the network, or any name if you are not on a network. Example: SET HOSTNAME=MYCOMPUTER; SET USER The name of the user running the client program. This can be anything, but it must be set. Example: SET USER=SUSAN; ═══ 1.3.1. Networking with DSOM ═══ OS/2's Distributed SOM (DSOM) comes in two flavors: Workstation DSOM and Workgroup DSOM. OS/2 ships with Workstation DSOM, which lets you work with distributed objects on a single computer. Workgroup DSOM, on the other hand, lets you do this as well as access remote objects across a network. Workgroup DSOM may run on top of three network protocols: TCP/IP 2.0 or 3.0 OS/2 3.0 and 4.0 come with TCP/IP included, so File Hound sets up DSOM to use TCP/IP as the default. DSOM TCP/IP support is enabled in the CONFIG.SYS by the statement SET SOMSOCKETS=TCPIPSockets. This will only work if you have a permanent IP address which corresponds to the HOSTNAME variable in your CONFIG.SYS. Before you start either the server or client, the TCP/IP protocol stack must be running. Netware IPX/SPX (Netware Client 2.1.0) DSOM can use Netware, as long as you have an ipxaddrs file which maps Internet addresses to Novell IPX/SPX addresses. DSOM Netware support is enabled in the CONFIG.SYS by the statement SET SOMSOCKETS=IPXSockets. The SET ENV variable must be set to the directory where you have your hosts and ipxaddrs files. You must also run the ipxconf utility. NetBIOS (IBM Lan Requestor 4.0) DSOM can use NetBIOS, which is enabled in the CONFIG.SYS by the statement SET SOMSOCKETS=NBSockets. NetBIOS support of course requires that you have MPTN installed. You must also run the nbconf utility. Warning: The setup steps listed above for Netware and NetBIOS are going purely by the documentation available to the author at this time. The author has not tested it, and recommends you run to your IBM contact for proper instructions on how to enable DSOM on top of Netware or NetBIOS. ═══ 1.4. Known Problems and Limitations ═══  The Results viewer is very slow when loading large files. The program has been artificially limited to 400K files, but 250K is probably the practical limit until a solution is found.  Printing is not yet supported.  The Online Help is not finished for some topics.  The program cannot yet save links to remote files. ═══ 1.5. Troubleshooting ═══ Best effort is made to ensure that File Hound is free of major problems. Unfortunately, no software is totally bug-free, and File Hound is no exception. If you experience any problem with the software, please contact the author, so that the problem may be remedied. Several types of bugs may be present:  The software crashes.  A feature does not work properly.  A feature is not intuitive.  The documentation is wrong. To best aid the author in determining the cause of the problem, please consult the following checklist: 1. What kind of problem is it? 2. What version of OS/2 are you using? Is there anything special about your setup which may be affecting the software, such as the version of SOM installed or special changes you have made to the CONFIG.SYS? 3. Under what circumstances does the problem occur? Is it reproduceable? If possible, please provide instructions on how to reproduce the problem. 4. If the software is crashing,  Can you determine whether the problem is in the client or server?  Does the system show a popup-dialog which lists an error id, such as SYS3175 or SYS3171? Does the dialog list the thread ID (TID)?  Are there any entries in your DSOM error log?  If the software has created an exception dump, C:\SASERROR.TXT, what are its contents? ═══ 1.6. Contacting the Author ═══ How To Contact The Author  Email: - Compuserve: 74063,621 - Internet: gaalswyk@spacestar.net  Mail: Aaron Gaalswyk 7160 Lamar Ave. S. Cottage Grove, MN 55016 USA Earth  WWW: http://www.spacestar.net/users/gaalswyk ═══ 1.7. Intellectual Property Notices ═══ Intellectual Property Notices  IBM, OS/2, and SOMObjects are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation  Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation  NetWare and IPX are registered trademarks of Novell Corporation  File Hound incorporates compression code by the Info-ZIP group. There are no extra charges or costs due to the use of this code, and the original compression sources, as well as executables for Zip and UnZip, are freely available from ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/ on the Internet. You can also visit their site at http://www.cdrom.com/pub/infozip/Info-Zip.html on the WWW  File Hound Copyright (c) 1996-1997 Aaron R. Gaalswyk ═══ 1.8. Reference ═══ File Hound Reference  Searching for documents  Viewing search results  Indexing documents  Configuring File Hound ═══ Open new Search View ═══ Open a new Search View. ═══ Go to Primary View ═══ Switch focus the the Primary View button bar. ═══ Open Properties View ═══ Open the Properties View. ═══ Open Index View ═══ Open the Index View. ═══ 1.9. Help for Search View ═══ File Hound is capable of searching for documents on multiple server databases or on the local machine. Because document searching is aided by an index, it is necessary at the very least to provide search terms over which the server will select documents. A more refined search includes these basic terms, as well as a specific string, regular expression, or proximity of two words. Searching over these additional fields will increase the relevancy of the selected document list, but at the cost of longer search time. Additionally, you may enter other parameters which narrow the search to specific documents or groups of documents. A simple document search may be initiated by the following steps: 1. Select the server where you wish to search from the pull-down list. If the client is not network-attached, this option is non-functional. 2. Fill out any of the Required Parameters fields. 3. Select the Search! button from the menu bar or pull-down menu. A more refined search may be initiated by additionally doing any of the following:  Fill out any of the Exact, Pattern, or Proximity fields.  Provide a list of folders, files, or file patterns over which to search.  Include a document group or groups from the Groups list. ═══ 1.9.1. Required Parameters fields ═══ The Required Parameters fields are used to enter the basic terms over which the server is to query the index. Each field may have any number of term or no term at all, but at least one field must have at least one term. Terms which are part of the server's stop list are ignored, and are not useful to the search. Must Include The Must Include field is used to enter terms which must be present in a relevant document. Any document which does not contain all the terms will be eliminated from consideration. Thus more terms will increase the relevancy of selected documents, but will decrease their number. May Include The May Include field is used to enter terms which may be present in a relevent document. Increasing the number of terms entered here will increase relevancy of selected documents. This is generally the most useful field, since it lets you query the index for unfamiliar documents using a number of possibly relevant terms. Not Include The Not Include field is used to enter terms which must not be present in a relevant document. Any document which contains any of the terms may be eliminated from the search. Thus more terms will increase the relevancy of selected documents, but will decrease their number. ═══ 1.9.2. Exact, Pattern, and Proximity fields ═══ Exact The Exact field may contain any combination of printable single-byte characters, including a space. For instance, if you are a historian of U.S. presidential campaign speechs, you might formulate a search with a Must Have parameter of "Clinton" and an Exact entry of "I feel your pain". Strings are case-insensitive. Pattern The Pattern field is used to search documents for a regular expression conforming to IBM's extended REGEX interface. Pattern searches are relatively slow, so should be used with caution. Proximity The Proximity fields are used to search documents for words near each other. A proximity entry is completed by filling each entry field with one word, and turning the spin button to the required proximity value. The order of the words makes no difference, and they are case-insensitive. As an example, one might enter the words "Microsoft" and "Gates" with a value of 5, which will search documents for the word "Microsoft" within 5 words before or after "Gates". ═══ 1.9.3. Files and Levels ═══ The Files section of the Search View interface is used to select specific files or file patterns over which to limit a search. The spin button to the left of each entry field identifies the file store "facility" on which the file(s) is stored. The entry field may identify the full path of the file, such as "C:\CONFIG.SYS" or may use wildcards, as in "*.txt" or "e:\docs\*". Facility note: The file store facility defaults to "FileSystem," which is the local file system of the server. In the future, additional facilities may be added, such as access to a Lotus Notes database. ═══ 1.9.4. Document Groups ═══ File Hound is capable of defining document groups which may be stored and conveniently reused for many searches. A document group may define specific folders to search, as well as file patterns which are to be included or excluded in the search. A document group may also inherit parameters from other groups. A document group may be added to a search by selecting Add to Search from its popup menu or dragging it with the mouse to the Selected Groups container. The Group Properties notebook has the following pages:  Title  Specific  Include  Exclude  Parent ═══ Title Page ═══ The name of the document group may be changed by altering the text of the Title entry field. ═══ Specific Page ═══ This page lists the precise folders (a.k.a. directories) over which to search for relevant documents. A new folder may be added by entering its name in the entry field and pressing Add. An existing folder may be removed by selecting its name in the list and pressing Remove. ═══ Include Page ═══ This page lists the file patterns over which to search for relevant documents. A file pattern may identify the full path of the file, such as "C:\CONFIG.SYS" or may use wildcards, as in "*.txt" or "e:\docs\*". A new file pattern may be added by entering its name in the entry field and pressing Add. An existing file pattern may be removed by selecting its name in the list and pressing Remove. ═══ Exclude Page ═══ This page lists the file patterns which are to be excluded from the search. A file pattern may identify the full path of the file, such as "C:\CONFIG.SYS" or may use wildcards, as in "*.txt" or "e:\docs\*". A new file pattern may be added by entering its name in the entry field and pressing Add. An existing file pattern may be removed by selecting its name in the list and pressing Remove. ═══ Parent Page ═══ This page lists the document groups from which the given group is to inherit its parameters. This lets you construct more complex document groups based on other groups, reducing duplication of effort. For instance, you might have a "Press Releases" group and a "Announcement Letters" group, then create a "Public Relations" group which inherits from both. A parent group may be added by selecting it from the pull-down list and pressing Add or dragging a parent group object onto the relevant child group object. ═══ Sort by ═══ The documents returned by a search may be sorted a number of ways. You may specify the initial sort order in the Search View, and then change it later in the Results View. Rank Sort from highest rank to lowest. A higher rank indicates a more probable match. File Name Sort alphabetically by file name. File Path Sort alphabetically by path and file name. Extension Sort alphabetically by file extension (if any). Age Ascending The newest files are listed first. Age Descending The oldest files are listed first. Size Sort from smallest to largest file size. ═══ Server List ═══ This contains a list of available servers. If the client is not network-attached, the list is non-functional. ═══ Display first ═══ You may trim the maximum number of returned documents by raising or lowering this selection. ═══ Start search ═══ Begin searching with the specified parameters. ═══ Clear ═══ Clear all entries in the search fields or reset to their initial values. ═══ 1.10. Help for Index View ═══ Before File Hound can conduct searches, you must provide it with a list of documents which are eligible for searching. File Hound extracts the significant terms present in the documents, and catalogs them in an index. Typically, the space required for the index is 5% to 8% of the size of the referenced documents. The indexing process may be customized in numerous ways:  Provide file extensions, for example "*.exe," which do not make sense to search.  Give stop words, which are common words present in most documents. These words are ignored by the indexing engine, so do not bloat the index.  Set limits on the minimum and maximum word size.  Define which characters are valid parts of words. For instance, if numbers are valid, then "two4one" will be indexed as one term, whereas if numbers are not valid, then "two" and "one" will be placed in the index.  Enable periodic re-indexing of currently-indexed documents as well as monitor selected folders for new documents. The Index View is used to add documents to the index, as well as immediately update specific documents or the entire index. Documents may be added to the index by completing the following steps: 1. Select the server where you wish to index on from the pull-down list. If the client is not network-attached, this option is non-functional. 2. Verify the that facility spin button refers to the correct file store. 3. Navigate the folder structure of the Browse Files list to find documents or entire folders you wish to index. 4. Add these folders to the Index Selections list on the right side of the Index View. This may be accomplished several ways:  Drag them to the selection list with the mouse.  Double-click on a file.  Select either Add or Add subfolders. 5. Select the Index! button from the menu bar or pull-down menu. Files which have been queued to the index will be processed unless the server object containing the index is shut down. At that point all queued files which have not been processed will be purged from the queue. All processed files will be saved. Closing the Index View will not interrupt the indexing process so long as you do not close the program which contains the index. ═══ Browse Files ═══ You can select documents and folders to be indexed by navigating this list. Double-click on a document to add it to the Index Selections list, which may then be queued to the index. Double-click on a folder to navigate into it. Double-click on the ".." icon at the top of the list to go to the enclosing folder. ═══ Index Selections ═══ The documents and folders in this list will be queued to the index when you press the Index! button. ═══ Facility ═══ The file store facility defaults to "FileSystem," which is the local file system of the server. In the future, additional facilities may be added, such as access to a Lotus Notes database. ═══ Base folder ═══ Use this the return the root folder of the file store in the Browse Files list. ═══ Add subfolders ═══ Add the selected documents, folders, and all sub-folders below the selected folders from the Browse Files list to the Index Selections list. ═══ Add ═══ Add the selected documents and folders from the Browse Files list to the Index Selections list. ═══ Remove ═══ Remove selected documents and folders from the Index Selections list. If you have not already pressed the Index! button, they will not be queued to the index. ═══ Select all files and folders ═══ All files and folders in the Browse Files list are selected. If you intend to index an entire folder, it may be easier to add or drag that folder to the Index Selections list rather than selecting its contents. ═══ Deselect all files and folders ═══ All files and folders in the Browse Files list are deselected. ═══ Select all index selections ═══ All files and folders in the Index Selections list are selected. You may press the Remove button or the Del key to remove the selected files from the list. ═══ Deselect all index selections ═══ All files and folders in the Index Selections list are deselected. ═══ Indexing progress ═══ The progress indicator shows the fraction of files queued to the index which have already been processed. ═══ Indexing log ═══ As the indexing engine completes indexing documents, the status log is updated in increments of 5 documents if remote access is enabled, or every 1 document if remote access is disabled. ═══ Server list ═══ This contains a list of available servers. If the client is not network-attached, the list is non-functional. ═══ Start indexing ═══ All documents and folders in the Index Selections list will be queued to the index. ═══ Clear selections ═══ Clear all documents and folders from the Index Selections list. You may also select them individually and either press Remove button or the Del key. ═══ Refresh index now ═══ Any documents in the index which have been altered since last indexed will be queued to the index, and the index updated to reflect those changes. ═══ 1.11. Help for Results View ═══ When a search returns a number of documents, File Hound displays the results in the Results View, which may be used to perform a number of operations on the resultant document list:  Sort the documents according to various criteria.  Save links to all or selected documents.  Scroll through matching search terms.  Perform quick string matching searches.  Open documents with user-defined editor or helper applications.  Drag any documents onto another program or the Desktop. ═══ Results list ═══ This lists all the documents returned from the search. Each document displays a rank, name, path, size, and write dates and times, which may be used to sort list. Documents may be dragged from the list onto the Desktop or onto other programs to view or change them. If you drag a document located in a Zip archive or on a remote server, it will first be extracted to the client's temporary area. ═══ Text area ═══ The text area displays the ASCII text extracted from each document. The scrollbars on the right and bottom can be used to navigate through the document. ═══ Save all ═══ Create a folder on the Desktop and save links to all of the documents in the Results list. Documents on remote servers may not be linked to. Documents within Zip archives will be extracted to a temporary directory and linked to there. All documents in the File Hound temporary area will be deleted whenever the program is started. ═══ Save selected ═══ Create a folder on the Desktop and save links to all selected documents in the Results list. Documents on remote servers may not be linked to. Documents within Zip archives will be extracted to a temporary directory and linked to there. All documents in the File Hound temporary area will be deleted whenever the program is started. ═══ Previous match ═══ Scroll to and highlight the next matching term in the current document. ═══ Next match ═══ Scroll to and highlight the previous matching term in the current document. ═══ Previous file ═══ Go to the previous file in the Results list. The first matching search term will automatically be highlighted and scrolled to. ═══ Next file ═══ Go to the next file in the Results list. The first matching search term will automatically be highlighted and scrolled to. ═══ Find next string match ═══ Scroll to and highlight the next string which matches the string specified in the search field at the bottom of the Results View. ═══ Find previous string match ═══ Scroll to and highlight the previous string which matches the string specified in the search field at the bottom of the Results View. ═══ Search for strings ═══ You may search for any string in the current document by typing in the entry field. After 3 characters are typed, the text in the entry field will be colored blue to indicate a match, which is scrolled to, or red to indicate no match present in the document. You may scroll to the next and previous matches by pressing the arrow buttons on the left and right. ═══ Open with default association ═══ Open the current document with its default association. This is akin to double-clicking on the document's icon in the Workplace Shell. If the document is located on a remote server, it will be copied to the client's temporary area before opening it. ═══ Edit current document ═══ Edit the current document using the editor specified on the Second Viewers Properties page. If the document is located on a remote server, it will be copied to the client's temporary area before opening it. ═══ 1.12. Help for Properties View ═══ The Properties View may is used to control most aspects of the File Hound runtime functions. The following pages are defined: Viewers Specify editor and helper applications which may be launched from the Results View for editing and viewing documents. Password Set password protection for client program startup. Servers Enable or disable remote access (DSOM) and add or remove remote servers. Permissions Specify access permissions for this client on remote servers, and manage permissions for clients on remote servers. Indices Manager multiple indexes. Stop Words Define stop words for indexing. Extensions Prevent indexing of files with certain extensions. Periodic Periodically re-index already-indexed documents and monitor specified folders for new files. Indexing Control valid tokens for words, minimum and maximum word length, and indexing priority. Files View and optionally remove currently-indexed documents. Filters View available file filters. ═══ 1.12.1. Password Properties Page ═══ Help for this panel is not complete. ═══ 1.12.2. Viewers Properties Page ═══ Help for this panel is not complete. ═══ Helper applications ═══ Help for this panel is not complete. ═══ Primary editor ═══ Help for this panel is not complete. ═══ 1.12.3. Servers Properties Page ═══ File Hound uses IBM's System Object Model (SOM) to communicate between a client and a server. Each server is itself a SOM object, which may exist either inside the client program if you are not on a network; or it may run in a separate server process, which is accessible to the client on the machine where the server resides, as well as to other clients across the network simultaneously. Keep in mind that if you have not enabled remote access, then the server and the client ARE the same program, so references to "client" and "server" in the Online Help should be interpreted accordingly.  Server on this machine  Remote servers  Add new remote server  Default server Refresh Refresh the view with the current server list. Default Remove all remote servers, and revert to the default local server name and alias. CAUTION: Changing the server name will render remote clients unable to access to this machine without re-applying the generated distribution file. ═══ Server on this machine ═══ Local Alias This is how the local client is to reference the local server. For instance, you could change the alias to "Susan's files". Then, whenever "Susan's files" is selected in a pull-down menu, you will be acting on the local server. This setting has no effect on how remote clients perceive this server. Server Name This is the unique name stored in the DSOM Implementation Repository. If the program is only used for local access, the choice of this name does not matter. On the other hand, if this server is to be visible to other clients on the network, then the Server Name MUST BE UNIQUE. Use DSOM When this is checked, the server object runs in a separate process and is visible not only to this client, but also other clients on the network. This settings has no effect on this client's ability to access remote servers. Change Update the configuration to reflect any changes made to the Local Alias or Server Name. If a change has been made to the Server Name, a new distribution file will be generated in the base directory where the program is installed. The distribution file will be of the form, "*.sid", where "*" is the Server Name truncated to 8 characters. CAUTION: Changing the server name will render remote clients unable to access to this machine without re-applying the generated distribution file. ═══ Remote servers ═══ This section lists the remote servers which have been defined to this client. Before you can perform an function on these servers--for instance searching--you must define your access permissions. Remove Remove the selected server from the list of available remote servers. ═══ Add new remote server ═══ This section lets you define a remote server for which this client is to have access to. Each server has its own distribution file, which contains information that DSOM needs to make that server available to remote clients. This file must be transferred to the client machine before that client can see the said server for remote access. Local Alias This is how the local client is to reference the remote server, and can be any name you choose. For instance, you could change the alias to "Bob's Computer". Then, whenever "Bob's Computer" is selected in a pull-down menu, you will be acting on that server. Server Name Specify the exact, unique name of the server to add. It must match the server name contained in the distribution file. Distribution File Specify the path to where the distribution file is located. This file is only used when adding a new server, and need not be retained on the client machine. Add Add the new server with the given parameters in the Local Alias, Server Name, and Distribution File fields. Clear Clear the New Word, Server Name, and Distribution File entryfields. ═══ Default Server ═══ Select server The default server is the server which is initially loaded in the Properties, Search, and Index views. If remote access is disabled, the default is always the local server object. Connect on startup Immediately connect to the default server when starting the client. This will increase load time, but you will not have to wait when it connects later. Connect when needed Defer connecting to the server until it is required. This setting may be useful, for instance, if you place File Hound in your Startup Folder. ═══ 1.12.4. Permissions Properties Pages ═══ File Hound includes basic authentication security for access to server functions. Be advised that while the access permission files are encrypted, communication between clients and servers is NOT SECURE. Thus you should not transmit confidential data over a non-trusted network.  Page 1 - This client  Page 2 - Each server ═══ Permissions for this client ═══ Help for this panel is not complete. ═══ Permissions for users on each server ═══ Help for this panel is not complete. ═══ 1.12.5. Indices Properties Page ═══ File Hound has the capability of maintaining multiple indexes on each server. Only one index is active at any given time, and the existance of indexes is transparent to the rest of the program. Set Current Marks the selected index as the current active index on the server. Remove Remove all traces of the selected index from the server. You cannot remove the "default" index. Purge Remove all files in the selected index, and reclaim all disk space occupied by the index. Add Add a new index to the server. Type a name in the entryfield and press Add to update the index list. Clear Clear the new index entryfield. Refresh Refresh the view with any recent changes on the server. Servers Select the server on which you wish to view or edit the index list. You may only update the index list on a server on which you have Administrator access permissions. ═══ 1.12.6. Stop Words Properties Page ═══ File Hound includes a base list of common English words. Such words are usually non-specific, transitional words which add little contextual value to a document, and thus are not useful for searching. Several benefits are derived from excluding these words from indexing and searching:  The index size is reduced.  Searching and indexing efficiency are improved.  Searching produces more relevant documents. The Stop Words Properties page allows user editing of the stop list on any server, local or remote, at any time. If you edit the stop list, you are advised to purge and re-index any indexes on the affected server. Remove Remove the selected word from the stop list. Add Add a new word to the stop list. Type a word in the entryfield and press Add to update the stop list. Clear Clear the new word entryfield. Default Revert to the original File Hound stop list. Refresh Refresh the view with any recent changes on the server. Servers Select the server on which you wish to view or edit the stop list. You may only update the stop list on a server on which you have Administrator access permissions. ═══ 1.12.7. Extensions Properties Page ═══ The Extensions Properties page allows user editing of the list of file extensions a server uses to exclude files from indexing on any server, local or remote, at any time. File Hound provides a base list of extensions which do not make sense to search, such as executables, operating system files, and graphics files. Extensions may include wild cards, for instance "IX*" and "?ex". Remove Remove the selected extension from the exclude list. Add Add a new extension to the exclude list. Type an extension in the entryfield and press Add to update the exclude list. Clear Clear the new extension entryfield. Default Revert to the original File Hound extension exclude list. Refresh Refresh the view with any recent changes on the server. Servers Select the server on which you wish to view or edit the extension exclude list. You may only update the extension exclude list on a server on which you have Administrator access permissions. ═══ 1.12.8. Periodic Properties Pages ═══ With File Hound, you may enable a server to periodically update the index and optionally monitor specific folders (directories) for new files, which are automatically added to the index. The Periodic Properties pages let you configure the periodic indexing behavior of any server, local or remote, at any time.  Page 1 - scheduling  Page 2 - folders ═══ Periodic Indexing: Scheduling ═══ Enable periodic indexing Enable or disable periodic indexing. The server's periodic indexing service will be started with the current settings for daily or interval scheduling. Daily Update the index once per day at the given time. Interval Update the index whenever the Increment number of days, hours, and minutes has elapsed, starting at the give start date and time. The Increment timer must be set between one hour and one month. OK. Update the server with the current settings. Changes will not take effect until OK is pressed. Default Revert to the default File Hound periodic indexing settings. Any chosen monitor folders are deleted, and periodic indexing is disabled. Refresh Refresh the view with any recent changes on the server. Servers Select the server on which you wish to view or configure periodic indexing. You may only view or update periodic indexing on a server on which you have Administrator access permissions. ═══ Periodic Indexing: Levels ═══ Monitor following folders All folders in the list are checked whenever the periodic indexing interval expires. Any new documents are automatically added to the index and become available for searching. Remove Remove the selected folder from the monitor list. Add Add a new folder to the monitor list. Select the file store from the facility spin box, type the fully-qualified path of the folder, and press Add to update the monitor list. Clear Clear the new folder entryfield. Default Revert to the default File Hound periodic indexing settings. Any chosen monitor folders are deleted, and periodic indexing is disabled. Refresh Refresh the view with any recent changes on the server. Servers Select the server on which you wish to view or configure periodic indexing. You may only view or update periodic indexing on a server on which you have Administrator access permissions. ═══ 1.12.9. Indexing Properties Page ═══ Tokens File Hound's indexer analyzes documents with regard to their word content. By default, only alphabetic letters are considered parts of words, but other "tokens" may be optionally considered. By selecting any character(s) in the list, then pressing OK, the indexer will see that character as a letter token. For instance, if you enable the hyphen character, then "middle-class" will be indexed as one word; otherwise it would be indexed as "middle" and "class." If you edit the indexing tokens, you should purge and re-index any indexes on the affected server. Word sizes Minimum and maximum word sizes may be defined so that the indexer disregards words which are shorter than the minimum or longer than the maximum. Typically, words shorter than 3 or 4 characters are not useful for searching. Exceptionally long words may represent nonsensical strings in the text, and thus should be ignored. Indexing priority You may customize the priority of the indexer. This option is provided as a convenience for advanced users, and typically does not need to be altered. Increasing the priority will increase the indexing speed, but selecting Foreground or Server priorities will adversely affect other programs you are running. The default is the maximum idle-time priority. OK Update the server with the current settings. Changes will not take effect until OK is pressed. Default Revert to the default File Hound indexing settings. Refresh Refresh the view with any recent changes on the server. Servers Select the server on which you wish to view or configure indexing. You may only view or update indexing on a server on which you have Administrator access permissions. ═══ 1.12.10. Files Properties Page ═══ The Files Properties page lets you view and optionally remove documents from the server's current index. Additional index management tools are located on the Indices Properties page. Remove Remove the selected document or documents from the index. Once a document is removed, it is not available for searching until it added to the index again. Remove all Purge the current index of all documents, reclaiming all space occupied by the index. Select all Select all documents in the document list. Deselect all Deselect all documents in the document list. Refresh Refresh the view with any recent changes on the server. Servers Select the server on which you wish to view or manage indexed files. Any user may view indexed files, but only an Administrator user may alter the index. ═══ 1.12.11. Filters Properties Page ═══ Current filters on server File Hound uses filters to process documents and display in the Results viewer. Document types are determined by their content, not by file extension. If File Hound cannot find a filter for a document, it is treated as ASCII text. Refresh Refresh the view with any recent changes on the server. Servers Select the server on which you wish to view available file filters. ═══ Server Access Permissions ═══ File Hound defines 3 levels of permissions, which specify what types of functions a user is allowed to perform on a server. Normal User Allows the user to search and retrieve documents, and view the stop list, extension exclude list, currently-indexed documents, and available file filters. Privileged User Allows the user all permissions granted to a Normal User, as well as indexing files. Administrator Allows the user unrestricted access to the server. This includes changing permissions for users, managing indexes, and adjusting the stop words, extension exclude list, and periodic indexing service.